Wedding budget – how to plan a perfect wedding and stay calm
Some time ago, in an article entitled “Don’t give in the first impression,” I mentioned the wedding budget in a few sentences. Today I decided to focus a little more on this very important, if not the most important, issue.
A wedding is a constantly growing list of expenses. On this special day, everything must be almost perfect, with no room for compromise. Moreover, nowadays, newlyweds more and more often decide to pay for the wedding costs themselves, which make their parents less decision-making guests. Therefore, you should carefully consider what is worth spending more money on and what you can save on, while not giving up everything you have dreamed of all your life (here, of course, I mean brides).

Some advice below:
Firstly, the interior and decor of the wedding hall. Not many people realize how costy it might be. For example, if we choose wedding in December and we want floral decorations made only of peonies, we may end up paying very high costs for something that may cost much less in a different month. A wedding hall that does not require a huge amount of floral decorations to look nice may turn out to be a huge advantage, appreciated when calculating the costs. Brides and grooms are often presented with a room that does not impress at first glance, but “has the potential” to create a beautiful wedding hall – but who will bear this expense?
Secondly, we can save some money already at the stage of choosing a place for the wedding. It is worth analyzing allr received offers very carefully and notice what additional things a given place offers us, e.g. preparing personalized place cards and table numbers, a classy board with a seating plan for guests or menu cards. When choosing a menu, pay attention to whether and what drinks are included in the price and in what quantities. It’s perfect if the package includes unlimited drinks and the buffet, cold snacks, sweet desserts, and cakes. While analyzing the offer, check whether there are any hidden costs related to service, washing covers, room rental, etc.
I would give the same advice when finalizing the wedding order. Read the contract thoroughly and make sure whether any of the provisions do not look`suspicious for you. In my opinion, it is unacceptable when, after signing the contract, just before the wedding, it turns out that the cost of the menu suddenly increases by a “symbolic” five or ten zlotys, “because everything has become more expensive this year.”
Thirdly, when choosing a wedding venue, it is worth paying attention to the distance of the hall from the church or the Civil Registry Office. Ideally when the hall and the wedding venue are close enough so you do not need to organize any extra means of transport for your guests.
Another important issue related to choosing a place for a wedding ceremony is the possibility of guests’ accomodation. I am convinced that guests will definitely appreciate the opportunity to stay overnight at the place where the event takes place. The advantage of choosing a wedding hall in a hotel is the fact that you do not have to focus on looking for rooms nearby. Moreover, hotels usually offer attractive discounts on the accommodation of wedding guests. Speaking of discount, I would also like to mention that it is always worth asking whether a given hall has a database of proven subcontractors: DJ, photographer, confectionery shop, florist, etc. Places that organize a large number of weddings have valuable experience in cooperation with subcontractors who often offer attractive discounts to couples who decide to organize their wedding in a given place. For people who would like to spend a little less on their wedding reception, I recommend not organizing a wedding in the summer season. Why should you consider it? I described it in the article: “Winter wedding? It’s worth it!”, which I encourage you to check out.

As I have already mentioned, these are only short tips that can help you save a considerable amount of money already while`choosing a place to organize a wedding. It may turn out that by carefully optimizing the budget for the party, you will save for a holidays or dream furniture to your house.
28 LUTY 2019